Tuesday, March 8, 2016

le départ!

6 :30 du matin, c’est le départ de chez Max Béland, Lucie Paquet, Émile Béland (8ans) et Élodie Béland (6 ans)


Bonne route Ann!!





LUCIE PAQUET adjointe administrative / directrice des opérations hivernales

Tél. : 819 646-5244 / Téléc. : 819 646-5682 / info@clubhosanna.qc.ca

3460, route 155, Trois-Rives (Québec) G0X 2C0

clubhosanna.qc.ca / facebook.com/clubhosanna



1 comment:

pilgrimpoustinik said...

Anne, Peace in Jesus the Lord. Glad to see you are getting some snow and could make a real snowball. You are almost at this year's goal: the Lord has been good to you. I got my copy of the Lamb's Quarterly from Paradise Michigan and I see Chuck Roelant did a nice article on you. If you don't have a copy of it (and would like one) I would be glad to send you one. I have your Chimayo address but if you moved to Denver you will have to send me that address. A Blessed next two weeks and Happy Easter. Christ is risen! Pilgrim George